Work with us for the future of energy

Apply for one of the available positions or send us your spontaneous application. Our team is always looking for new talents




Technical electrical


Trento or Rovereto

GES, PMI Innovativa con sede a Trento, sviluppa tecnologie innovative in ambito energy storage. La società è una realtà in espansione in un mercato al centro della transizione energetica e previsto in significativa crescita nei prossimi anni.


Il profilo ricercato è una persona con profilo di tecnico elettrico e con esperienza in progettazione di sistemi elettrici/elettronici, gestione e manutenzione impianti e automazione industriale.


La persona sarà inserita in qualità di tecnico elettronico/elettrico nel gruppo Prototyping all’interno della funzione R&D e svolgerà le seguenti attività:

  • Progettazione, costruzione, montaggio, gestione, manutenzione e riparazoine dei banchi prova e della strumentazione per la costruzione e il testing di celle e batterie GES;
  • Assemblaggio di celle e stack della batteria a flusso GES;
  • Assemblaggio del balance of plant (es. tubazioni, raccordi, contenitori elettroliti) legato alla batteria a flusso;
  • Performare test di diversa natura sulle batterie;
  • Supporto nelle attività di laboratorio e di testing
  • Redazione di procedure, reports e documentazione tecnica in generale;
  • Supporto nell’acquisto di componenti o materiali e della loro logistica;

Ricerca di letteratura sulle attività specifiche del gruppo e in generale sulla tecnologia di GES.


Soft skills

Manualità e precisione;

Capacità di problem solving;

Resistenza allo stress e ai picchi di lavoro;

Elevata affidabilità, flessibilità e disponibilità;

Autonomia e critical thinking;

Abilità di comunicazione sia orale che scritta.

Hard skills

Conoscenza di elettrotecnica, elettronica, telecomunicazione, hardware, cablaggi e saldature;

Conoscenza di gestione e manutenzione impianti.


Sono considerati requisiti preferenziali non obbligatori:

  • Conoscenza di progettazione, costruzione, montaggio, manutenzione e riparazione di macchinari e impianti.
  • Pregresse esperienze professionali con attività assimilabili alle mansioni previste
  • Conoscenza delle principali tecnologie di energy storage, in particolare batterie a flusso

Conoscenze di chimica


Inglese: almeno livello B1  o superiori


Perito elettrotecnico. Possono essere valutati altri titoli di studio in caso di dimostrabile esperienza professionale che testimoni il conseguimento dei requisiti richiesti.


Tenure track: contratto temporaneo fino a dodici mesi finalizzato a successiva assunzione a tempo indeterminato per copertura di posizione permanent o contratto di apprendistato

L’azienda applica il CCNL Terziario/Confcommercio.

Livello retributivo in linea con i valori di mercato da determinare in base alle effettive esperienza e competenza del candidato (da verificare in sede di colloquio).

Technical Chemical


Trento or Rovereto

GES, PMI Innovativa con sede a Trento, sviluppa tecnologie innovative in ambito energy storage. La società è una realtà in espansione in un mercato al centro della transizione energetica e previsto in significativa crescita nei prossimi anni.


Il profilo ricercato è una persona con background tecnico chimico e con esperienza in laboratorio chimico nella formulazione e manipolazione di agenti chimici.


    • Formulazione di elettroliti e preparazione di componenti di cella (es. taglio di elettrodi, membrane e assemblaggio celle);
    • Assemblaggio di celle e stack della batteria a flusso GES;
    • Assemblaggio del balance of plant (es. tubazioni, raccordi, contenitori elettroliti) legato alla batteria a flusso;
    • Performare test elettrochimici;
    • Effettuare altri test di caratterizzazione chimico-fisica o altri richiesti per la ricerca e sviluppo della batteria;
    • Redazione di procedure, reports e documentazione tecnica in generale;
    • Supporto nell’acquisto dei componenti di laboratorio e della loro logistica;La persona sarà inserita in qualità di tecnico chimico nel gruppo Prototyping all’interno della funzione R&D e svolgerà le seguenti attività:
    • Ricerca di letteratura sulle attività specifiche del gruppo e in generale sulla tecnologia di GES.


Soft skills

Manualità e precisione;

Capacità di problem solving;

Resistenza allo stress e ai picchi di lavoro;

Elevata affidabilità, flessibilità e disponibilità;

Autonomia e critical thinking;

Abilità di comunicazione sia orale che scritta.

Hard skills

Conoscenza di chimica e gestione sostanze chimiche in laboratorio


Sono considerati requisiti preferenziali non obbligatori:

  • Conoscenze di elettrochimica
  • Pregresse esperienze professionali con attività assimilabili alle mansioni previste
  • Esperienza di gestione e manutenzione di strumentazione elettrica/elettronica
  • Conoscenza delle principali tecnologie di energy storage, in particolare batterie a flusso


Inglese: almeno livello B1  o superiori


Perito chimico. Possono essere valutati altri titoli di studio in caso di dimostrabile esperienza professionale che testimoni il conseguimento dei requisiti richiesti.


  • Contratto temporaneo fino a dodici mesi finalizzato a successiva assunzione a tempo indeterminato per copertura di posizione permanente.

Possibilità di valutazione del contratto di apprendistato in caso di candidato eleggibile.

L’azienda applica il CCNL Terziario/Confcommercio.

Livello retributivo in linea con i valori di mercato da determinare in base alle effettive esperienza e competenza del candidato (da verificare in sede di colloquio).

Experimental metrology expert


Trento or Rovereto

GES is an innovative SME based in Trento, Italy, that aims to revolutionize the global energy market. We are developing innovative energy storage technologies and we are an expanding player in a market at the center of the energy transition and are expected to fast grow in the coming years.



The profile searched has in-depth knowledge of metrology for the development of diagnostic and measurement systems and protocols, particularly applied to the fields of thermodynamics, fluid dynamics and electrochemistry. Manual dexterity, precision and tidiness are required.



The resource will be placed in the Prototyping team within the R&D function and will perform the following tasks:

  • Determine assembly mechanisms, component couplings, and key parameters affecting key performance indicators (KPIs) of the flow battery;
  • Identify, together with R&D colleagues, the physical and electrochemical determinants and variables and geometries for excellent battery operation;
  • Identify the quantities to be measured for each determinant of the system that can lead to optimization of battery performance;
  • Identify and/or develop measurement methodologies for each quantity to be measured;
  • Design, develop the layout and build the measurement instruments, and integrate them in a test bench;
  • Use the test bench under operating conditions with the GES battery and optimize it;
  • Measure quantities in operando, correlate them with other system parameters, and optimize the quantities to increase battery performance;
  • Investigate possible optimizations of other parameters or geometries according to the measurements made and results obtained;
  • Discuss the optimizations with the rest of the team, and in particular with the people involved in the development of the parts in question for integral improvement;
  • Train and also support the rest of GES staff in the use of the developed instrumentation




Soft skills

Problem-solving skills;

Resistance to stress and peak workloads;

High reliability, flexibility and availability;

Autonomy and critical thinking


Hard skills

Knowledge of the Python language;

Knowledge of data acquisition hardware and software.


The following are considered non-mandatory preferential requirements:

  • Previous professional experience with activities similar to the expected duties
  • Knowledge of key energy storage technologies, particularly flow batteries



English: at least B1 level, preference for B2 level or higher



PhD in experimental physics, physical engineering, industrial engineering, or related. Other degrees may be valued where there is demonstrable professional experience testifying to the achievement of the requirements.



Temporary contract for up to twelve months with a view to subsequent permanent employment to fill a permanent position. Also, possibility of apprentice contract evaluation in case of the eligible candidate.

The company applies the Tertiary/Confcommercio CCNL.

Salary level in line with market values to be determined based on candidate’s experience and expertise (to be verified during the interview).

Prototyping and Operations Specialist


Trento or Rovereto

GES is an innovative SME based in Trento, Italy, that aims to revolutionize the global energy market. We are developing innovative energy storage technologies and we are an expanding player in a market at the center of the energy transition and are expected to fast grow in the coming years.



The profile searched has technical background and experience in prototyping storage systems and/or hydrogen technologies. The person will be placed in the Operations function, which he/she will contribute to develop by working together with the R&D prototyping team in the first phase.



The person will perform the following activities:

  • Design, construction and testing of test benches, balance of plant and cells for different battery sizes [prototyping];
  • Design of battery scale-up and construction and manufacturing processes;
  • Contribute to the design, setting and integration of specific prototyping instrumentation;
  • Ensure adequacy of facilities (under acquisition) for research, prototyping, and first industrialization concerning technology roadmap requirements;
  • Oversee operations activities.



Soft skills

High reliability, flexibility, and autonomy.

Ability to understand the typical dynamics of a fast-changing organizational reality



Hard skills

Knowledge of CAD software

Knowledge of mechanical engineering to design, develop, build, and test GES battery [prototyping]

Knowledge of construction processes for battery design and development, as well as for scale-up and industrialization [prototyping]



At least ten years of professional experience is required, including at least three years in a structured setting working on the prototyping of energy storage and/or hydrogen technologies.  In addition, experience in setting up R&D/prototyping labs and prototype production facilities is required.



English: at least B1 level, preference for B2 level or higher



Bachelor’s degree in mechanical, chemical, electrical, or industrial engineering.

Other degrees may be valued where there is demonstrated professional experience testifying the achievement of the requirements.



Permanent contract to fill a permanent position.

The company applies the Tertiary/Confcommercio CCNL.

Salary level in line with market values to be determined based on candidate’s experience and expertise (to be verified during the interview).



Physical Modelling Team Leader


Trento or Rovereto

GES is an innovative SME based in Trento, Italy, that aims to revolutionize the global energy market. We are developing innovative energy storage technologies and we are an expanding player in a market at the center of the energy transition and are expected to fast grow in the coming years.



The profile searched has in-depth knowledge of finite element physical modelling for simulation and modelling (fluid dynamics, mechanics, electrochemistry, etc.), definition and development of the cell parts and battery system of GES, and their subsequent construction and testing.



The person will be placed as Team Leader of the Physical Modelling group within the R&D function and will perform the following activities:

  • Fluid dynamic simulations of the GES flow battery;
  • Simulation and modeling of pressure, mechanical, thermal stresses, electrochemical processes, etc. in the GES battery;
  • Define and design battery parts according to the simulations made and collaborate with the prototyping team;
  • Define the experimental tests of the battery system to refine the simulations and optimize the performance of the modeled parts;
  • Draft procedures, reports and technical documentation in general;
  • Literature research on the group’s specific activities and on GES technology in general.



Soft skills

Leadership skills and work coordination;

Problem solving skills;

Resistance to stress and work peaks;

High reliability, flexibility and availability;

Autonomy and critical thinking;

Communication skills both oral and written.


Hard skills

Deep knowledge of physics and finite element physical modelling (e.g., COMSOL, ANSYS, or other similar software)

Knowledge of data acquisition hardware and software.


The following are considered non-mandatory preferential requirements:

  • Previous professional experience with activities similar to the expected duties
  • Knowledge of key energy storage technologies, particularly flow batteries



English: at least B1 level, preference for B2 level or higher



PhD in experimental physics. Other degrees may be valued if there is demonstrable professional experience testifying the achievement of the requirements.



Tenure track: temporary contract for up to twelve months with a view to subsequent permanent recruitment to fill a permanent position.

The company applies the Tertiary/Confcommercio CCNL.

Salary level in line with market values to be determined based on candidate’s experience and expertise (to be verified during the interview).






Embedded systems (SW-HW-FW) specialist


Trento or Rovereto

GES is an innovative SME based in Trento, Italy, that aims to revolutionize the global energy market. We are developing innovative energy storage technologies and we are a growing player in a market at the center of the energy transition which is expected to be rapidly growing in the coming years.



The researched profile has deep knowledge of software, firmware and control hardware development, used to create highly innovative and smart embedded system with AI and predictive algorithms for GES flow battery control.



S/He will be Embedded Systems Team Leader within R&D function and will perform the following activities:

  • Determination of the operating mechanisms of the battery and of all the parameters that must be monitored in all the phases of use / non-use of the battery;
  • Help in drafting the HAZOP document of the battery system;
  • Identification, together with the Prototyping Team, of the sensors and tools that must be implemented inside the battery to measure the parameters required both for optimal operation and for the total safety of the battery system;
  • Design and develop the control software and firmware based on the requirements of the technical characteristics, sensors, required control;
  • Design, develop, write, test and debug battery system control software and firmware;
  • To include AI algorithms, cloud data repository, smart sensing and smart functionalities, as well as remote control, digital twins and predictive and remote maintenance, defined together with the Prototyping Team;
  • Development of a graphical interface for both GES staff who will monitor the battery remotely and for the end user, with features to be defined both with the Prototyping Team and thanks to surveys submitted to end users;
  • Build the hardware part (embedded board) and test it first in a test bench and then in the real battery system;
  • Improve software, firmware, hardware, and graphic interface in order to optimize costs, complexity and time;
  • Discuss optimizations with the rest of the team, and in particular with the team involved in the development of the parts of the battery that are subject to change/modifications;
  • Instruct and support the rest of GES staff in the use of the software and control developed;
  • Software maintenance and updating;
  • Drafting of procedures, reports and technical documentation in general;
  • Definition of characteristics, choice and purchase of the necessary components;
  • Research, technical negotiation, management and control of external collaborators and suppliers;
  • Reaching hardware production with competitive costs deriving from company KPIs on the complete system;
  • Protection of intellectual property deriving from the control development;
  • Any other activities supporting the development of GES flow battery.



Soft skills

Problem solving skills;

Resistance to stress and work peaks;

High reliability, flexibility and availability;

Autonomous and critical thinking

Hard skills

Knowledge of the programming languages C++, html, javascript, and asynchronous programming;

Knowledge of industrial communication protocols, e.g., ModBus and EtherCat, and wireless communication;

Knowledge of compilers such as gcc, g ++, makefile;

Deep knowledge of hardware, firmware and software development for data acquisition and use of state machines;

Knowledge of embedded systems, their construction and operation;

Knowledge of embedded systems functionalities for data monetization and similar purposes.


Previous experience is required in the development from scratch of embedded systems for medium-high complexity products (which require an advanced control system).

Professional experience between 4 and 10 years is required.


Preferential (non-mandatory) requirements are:

  • Previous experience in industrial product development projects with remote control, preferably in the energy sector
  • Previous professional experience with activities similar to the duties envisaged
  • Knowledge of the main energy storage technologies, in particular flow batteries



English: at least B1 level, preference for B2 level or higher



Degree/PhD in experimental physics, information engineering or related.

Other degrees may be considered where there is demonstrated professional experience with regards to the specific requirements.



Based on the candidate’s experience:

  • Fixed-term contract up to twelve months aimed at subsequent permanent employment


  • Permanent contract.


The company applies the Tertiary/Confcommercio CCNL.

Salary level in line with market values to be determined based on candidate’s experience and expertise (to be verified during the interview).

Technical buyer


Trento or Rovereto

GES is an innovative SME based in Trento, Italy, that aims to revolutionize the global energy market. We are developing innovative energy storage technologies and we are a growing player in a market at the center of the energy transition which is expected to be rapidly growing in the coming years.



The researched profile has technical background and experience in purchasing. S/He will interface with other business functions to gather procurement needs and independently manage the subsequent purchasing process. The assets currently acquired by the company have a high technological characterization.



S/He will be part of Operations function, and will perform the following activities:

  • Scouting, sourcing and validating new suppliers;     
  • Developing an annual purchasing strategy;  
  • Developing and managing business relationships and contracts with suppliers;  
  • Developing cost-effective purchasing strategies   
  • Negotiating economic and contractual terms and conditions-timing, cost, quantity, delivery method of supplies;   
  • Taking care of the conduct of purchasing negotiations and negotiation of economic and contractual conditions; and   
  • Managing supplier master data and quality;   
  • Issuing purchase orders;   
  • Drafting reports on Procurement activities 



Soft skills

Excellent analytical and negotiation skills;   

High reliability, flexibility and autonomy;  

Spirit of collaboration and cooperation

Hard skills

Knowledge of materials, mechanical and physical characteristics of major components of storage systems;   

Strong experience with national and international contracting tools;

Project management skills in order to support the various lines of business with purchases;  

Excellent command of Office package (Especially Word, Excel and Powerpoint). 


It is necessary for the candidate to have at least three years of experience in the purchasing department in a structured company, preferably in the energy storage or related field and with a significant R&D component.



English: at least B1 level, preference for B2 level or higher



Bachelor’s degree in engineering or related field.  

Other degrees may be valued where there is demonstrable professional experience testifying to achievement of the requirements. 



Fixed-term contract up to twelve months aimed at subsequent permanent employment. Possibility of apprentice contract evaluation in case of eligible candidate. 


The company applies the Tertiary/Confcommercio CCNL.

Salary level in line with market values to be determined based on candidate’s experience and expertise (to be verified during the interview).



Trento or Rovereto

GES is an innovative SME based in Trento, Italy, that aims to revolutionize the global energy market. We are developing innovative energy storage technologies and we are a growing player in a market at the center of the energy transition which is expected to be rapidly growing in the coming years.



The researched profile is a person with a technical background and experience in R&D project management, preferably with experience in storage systems and/or hydrogen technologies. The person will be placed in the R&D function and will report to the CEO.



S/He will perform the following activities:

  • Manage all aspects of research and development projects on battery systems, ensuring delivery on time, within budget and to the required quality standards
  • Lead cross-functional teams of engineers and scientists to achieve project objectives coordinating the directives of Head of R&D and reporting to CEO
  • Develop project plans, schedules, and budgets and monitor progress against these plans
  • Coordinate with stakeholders to ensure project objectives are met and risks are minimized
  • Ensure project activities comply with Intellectual Property (IP) policies and regulations, and manage IP-related aspects of the project, including filing and prosecuting patents
  • Maintain effective communication with stakeholders and the project team to ensure the timely resolution of issues and delivery of project results
  • Identify and evaluate potential new projects and technologies to support business growth
  • Mentor and develop project team members, encouraging their professional growth and development
  • Actively contribute in drafting the procedures and methods related to project management



Soft skills

Strong leadership and team management skills

Effective Communication and interpersonal skills

Problem-solving and decision-making abilities

Adaptability and flexibility

Organizational and time management skills

Negotiation and conflict resolution skills

Motivational and mentoring skills


Hard skills

Project management methodologies with certifications (e.g. PMP, PRINCE2, Agile)

Knowledge of stage-gate methodology

Understanding of IP policies and regulations

Budgeting and financial management

Risk management and mitigation techniques

Knowledge of product development life cycle

Proficiency in MS Office, particularly MS Project, Excel, and PowerPoint

Ability to analyze data and make informed decisions via structural presentation and KPI analysis

Understanding of cross-functional teamwork and team dynamics

Strong written and verbal communication skills

Technical knowledge of battery systems or similar products is desirable



At least 5 years of experience in project management of R&D projects, preferably in the energy storage industry or similar

Proven experience with project planning, budgeting, risk management and knowledge management

Proven experience leading cross-functional teams and managing IP aspects of R&D projects



English: at least B1 level, preferably B2 level or higher



Bachelor’s degree in management engineering or similar.

Other degrees may be evaluated where there is demonstrated professional experience confirming the requirements.



Permanent contract to fill a permanent position.


The company applies the Tertiary/Confcommercio CCNL.

Salary level in line with market values to be determined based on candidate’s experience and expertise (to be verified during the interview).

Ticket restaurant

Smart working

Stock options (optionally).

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