Full stack evolution for the future of energy

  • Patents
  • Engineering
  • Grants
  • Partnerships
  • Projects
  • Network

Based on proprietary knowledge, GES is developing the upscaling phase of the hybrid system prototype, from lab-scale to real-size.
The innovative results coming from the R&D activities are going to be protected with new patents.

Catholyte formulation with alternative additive
Catholyte chemistry and electrochemical reactions
Catholyte chemistry for Hydrogen flow battery, hybrid system gas + liquid
Aqueous anolyte composition for flow battery system
Harvard AQDS TECHNOLOGY PATENT License Agreement
#Chemistry #Development
Hydrogen battery upscaling
Based on proprietary knowledge, GES is developing the upscaling phase of the hybrid system prototype, from lab-scale to real-size. The innovative results coming from the R&D activities are going to be protected with new patents.
Nanogrid System for ComESto project
Application of GES Technology in the realization of a nanogrid system for private users, able to integrate different systems for the generation of energy from renewable sources, storage systems, micro cogeneration and generation systems
In-house components development
Highly performative and efficient membranes, cells, electrodes and catalysts are engineered, allowing the reduction of stack’s dimension and increasing the performances
First pre-commercial prototype 2,5kW/10kWh
The Greenernet project funded by EU in the Horizon 2020 program is completed. Within an international consortium, GES deploys the first pre commercial series of 4 batteries, based on AQDS technology. The 4 batteries system is tested in Budapest’s pilot site and its effectiveness is validated
First AQDS prototype
Green Energy Storage is founded with the goal of reshaping the energy transition with a green and sustainable energy storage system. Following a license agreement with the University of Harvard based on the use of Anthraquinone as an electrolyte, GES starts the development process for giving life to a redox flow battery system.
IPCEI EuBatIn grant
GES is officially part of the IPCEI EuBatIn, the strategic instrument for the creation of an innovative European battery value chain. Selected together with other key players like Solvay, BMW, FCA, Enel X, GES’ project is worth around €62 million.

The Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) EuBatIn has been
approved by the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of Economic
Development as part of the State Aid Rules. The main goal is to develop a
disruptive flow battery system made of highly innovative and sustainable
materials to unlock the full technological potential of the battery value chain in
Europe. The total project cost is € 62.4M with a public contribution of € 61.5M,
covering both RDI and First Industrial Deployment (FID) phases

Greenernet Project

Within the H2020-FTI program with a total value of €2M, Green Energy Storage took part in the Greenernet project, in partnership with Aarhus Universitet, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata and the companies Engineering and Evopro Innovation KFT.
At the end of the project, GES developed 4 pre commercial prototypes of an innovative flow battery, based on Harvard patent, each of them characterized by 2,5 kW of Power and 10 kWh of Energy, assembled together inside of a nanogrid and controlled by a Battery Management System (“BMS”) specifically developed.

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GES took part in the COMESTO project, promoted by the Italian Ministry for University and Research, with other 14 partners (such as Enel Distribuzione, ENEA, FBK and a few universities).
The main goal of the project was implementing and testing a hybrid nano grid system for private users, able to integrate different systems for the generation of energy from renewable sources, storage systems, micro cogeneration and generation systems. Moreover, the project includes the development of a dedicated platform for the energy management of an Energy Storage Community.

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Greenersys Project

Within the project Greenersys, sponsored by the Provincia Autonoma di Trento, GES developed a new design for the cell and a complete battery system, with the main goal of reducing production costs and increasing the performance.

Colorflow Project

In collaboration with the Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER) and the Dutch NWO organization, GES works to identify a new material dedicated to flow batteries.
The goal is to identify molecules with peculiar features, through computational chemical models and calculations, realizing a database and carrying out subsequent lab tests

Kyoto Club is a non-profit organisation whose members are engaged in reaching the greenhouse gas reduction targets set by the Kyoto Protocol, by the EU ones for 2030 and by the December 2015 Paris Agreement. To reach its goals, Kyoto Club promotes awareness-raising initiatives, information and training to foster energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, waste reduction and recycling and sustainable agriculture and mobility.

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The Association aims at supporting the exchange of information and best practices on Life Cycle Assessment methodology in Italy and at fostering networking activities  between different actors through working groups and annual events as well as training on LCA method.

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The European Battery Alliance is a unique platform for more than 600 industrial, innovation and academia stakeholders, with the objective of building a strong pan-European battery industry that is able to help Europe capture a growing market worth 250B€/year from 2025.

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Batteries Europe is the technology and innovation platform of the EBA. It aims to accelerate the establishment of a competitive European battery industry, driving the implementation of battery-related research and innovation actions of the SET Plan and of the STRIA.

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BEPA is the private side association of the Batteries European Partnership under Horizon Europe. It aims to boost a competitive and sustainable European battery value chain for stationary applications and e-mobility and to drive the transformation towards a carbon-neutral society.

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BATTERY 2030+ is the large-scale and long-term European research initiative with the vision of inventing the sustainable batteries of the future, providing European industry with disruptive technologies and a competitive edge throughout the battery value chain.

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